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Children Reading the Holy Bible

Children’s Ministry

Children are welcome at Northminster!

...where we worship together as a family.  Shortly after the service begins, the pastor calls each child forward by name, and shares a special story with them.  The children are then dismissed back to their seats to worship with their families.  Worship Kits, with a specially designed bulletin, activity pages, crayons and more, assist the children in following the service. 


FLOCK (Friends Learning Of Christ's Kingdom) for kids in kindergarten through fifth grade, meets on Wednesday afternoons from 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm in the Geneva Room for songs, snacks, recreation and Bible stories. We practice safe COVID protocols.  Click here to sign-up online, 

Youth Ministry

All youth, regardless of church affiliation, are invited to Northminster for great fellowship, games and Biblically-based learning.


Youth Group meets each Wednesday from 5:30 to 6:30 in Room 24 in the Ministry Center. We play games, talk about important life issues, and care for one another. 


Call or text Pastor Andy at (831)578-9668 for more information

Small Group Ministry

Do you want to be part of an intimate group at Northminster Presbyterian Church, where your faith can be explored, and you can give and receive support?  Then join a small group! 


Women's Bible Study meets each Tuesday at 10:00am.

Adult Sunday School gathers before worship on Sundays at 9:00, studying and discussing the lectionary texts.

Men's Breakfast gathers in the Geneva Room at 8:00am each Thursday for a great breakfast and Bible study.


Call the church office (831)449-2717 to find out what groups are meeting now!

Music Ministry

Through inspiring music, we experience God’s presence, respond to God’s grace in word and Spirit, express our faith, and serve our church and community.  There are opportunities for people of all ages to participate. 


The Chancel Choir rehearses at 9:00am each Sunday morning before worship, and sits with their families in the pews. The have singer-compatible masks provided. Chancel Bells meets on Wednesdays, from 5:30 to 6:30 in Room 13.


A Children's bell choir rehearses each Wednesday from  4:30 to 5:30 (after FLOCK) in Room 13, and is open to 2nd grade and up.

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